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About us


Health care access is right of all human beings. According to our survey and personal experiences, underprivileged areas in Pakistan, are full of quacks and untrained old school general practitioners. Most of them are not educationally and technically equipped to handle the emerging diseases and also most of the qualified doctors and consultants do not want to work in the hard situations due to security risk and hassle of conveyance. Our idea of Noor e Zia is about connecting highly qualified doctors and consultants to the underprivileged low socio economic people via technology at lowest possible cost i.e. in just PKR 150 equal to $ 0.73. Our project works on the Hub and Spoke model. At our premises we have international certified consultants related to all fields. We want to open such facilities in all underprivileged areas of Karachi at first and then expand to whole Pakistan.


The underprivileged areas in Karachi, Pakistan, are full of quacks and untrained old school general practitioners.

The low socio economic class is usually deprived of access to healthcare facility that can do the needful in true sense with low cost.

We have initiated our first branch in underprivileged area of Jinnah Square Malir Colony, Karachi by the name of Noor e Zia consultant’s clinic; it is a subsidized Health Care Tele-clinic Facility.


Our idea is to provide access of modern healthcare to people of low socio economic class at lowest possible cost.

We are going to have more than 90% of the workforce comprising females and also transgender (the most oppressed people of our society). Already we have opened our first branch in Jinnah Square Malir Colony, Karachi.

We aim to open more branches in Karachi esp. underprivileged areas and then expand our project pan Pakistan.


I am Dr. Shamail Zia, practicing dermatologist since 1.2 decades. My father is a renowned Dermatologist of Pakistan.

He has 3 dermatology clinics and practiced dermatology for 4 decades. I always thought to continue the legacy of my father but it was impossible for me to run his legacy from any remote location. While I was in the USA, we used to work on the hub and spoke model.

This model works like a single command center in the capital of the State and all the small clinics that are known as spokes are distributed in less privileged areas where there is extreme shortage of the physicians. In USA, law implementation is very strong and quacks can’t do Out Patient Practice and medical practice unlike Pakistan.

From there I conceived the idea that I will convert my father’s clinic into a digital clinic that can be operated from anywhere in the world. I started working on this idea and made a team of like-minded people and invested by myself on this idea for the first branch and named it after my father’s name as Noor e Zia (Meaning of this name is Spreading of Positive Energy).

Following are the steps describing how our model works:

  1. Patient enters in the clinic and go on the reception desk
  2. Receptionist greets the patient and asks his or her name and phone number to register in the software and charge 150 PKR = $ 0.73.
  3. Receptionist is well trained and guides patients to go in the triage room.
  4. In our triage room there is trained and qualified paramedic staff that will take the Blood pressure, Temperature, Height, Weight of patient and also checks the overall wellbeing of patient; then this information is recorded in our software.
  5. After that the patient will enter the consultant room where junior Physician welcomes the patient and connects the patient to the respective consultant with appropriate expertise required by the patient. 
  6. During consultation the patient can see and interact with the doctor on a large screen that has been connected via laptop and our software.
  7. After completion of consultation, the consultant will provide the electronic prescription in his phone or computer and after pressing print option the prescription will be printed in the consultation room.
  8. Patient will get the prescription and he or she will go for a blood sample if doctor has ordered for it. If not then the patient goes to the pharmacy which is inside of the facility, gets the medicine and moves out of the facility.
  9. Meanwhile all the movement of the patient and our staff are recorded and monitored by surveillance cameras from our control center. 
  10. Patients can also seek help by our tele clinic option after transfer of 150 PKR via easy paisa or jazz cash on our helpline number. The patient will receive the link on his or her WhatsApp and gets same service of consultation at home.


Potential for market capture is high as we have already started the clinic and we are experiencing a large turnover of patients.

Noor e Zia
Helpline: +92 304-6667943, +92 304-6667942


We can be a strong competitor against the quacks, high cost and old school thought facilities for sure.

There are so many great companies working in the teleclinic consultation for e.g Ola Doc, Marham.Pk, Sehat Kahani and etc but our model is very different from them as no company has the physical clinics they are mostly connecting physicians to the patients and in their online consultation part patient getting the consultation at home but patient itself can’t perform examination required by the Physician and very high chances to misdiagnose the case and here comes our idea of physical online clinics in which we have the trained staff and junior physician to examine the patient and then the final diagnosis and management will be decided by International Certified Consultants for e.g American Board Diplomate, Royal College, Pakistani Consultants, and etc.


We aim to open more branches in Karachi esp. underprivileged areas and then expand our project pan Pakistan where the doctors and consultants can work with ease as most are very reluctant to work in the underprivileged areas due to security risk and hassle of conveyance.


Dr. Shamail Zia (PI),
Dr. Farozaan Feroz Khan,
Dr. Syed Jawwad Ali,
Mr.Nabeel Zia
Dr Muhammad Ali Khan
Dr Iftiqar Rizvi
And Last but not the least our whole well-wisher list that can be easily seen in our well-wisher list section.
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